Self Care for Actors from an Acting and Buisness Coach

Actors! It’s time for some self care. 

First of all, what is self care? 🤔

It’s taking care of yourself physically and mentally but let’s be honest - it’s self love. 

And if you are not doing some sort of self care, you are not loving yourself and that is just not sending the right message to the world that you are worthy of all the things you DO deserve.

But don’t worry I am going to give you a self care practice and even a free Self Care Day PDF Sheet with suggestions so that you can take action today to taking care of your mind and body. 

So let’s discuss Self Care.

First of all, what is self-care?

It’s taking care of yourself physically and mentally but let’s be honest - it’s self-love.

And if you are not doing some sort of self-care, you are not loving yourself and that is just not sending the right message to the world that you are worthy of all the things you DO deserve.

But don’t worry I am going to give you a self-care practice and even a free Self Care Day PDF Sheet with suggestions so that you can take action today to take care of your mind and body.

So what are the main forms of self-care:

1. The Body🧍
2. The Mind 🧠 
3. The Soul 

The body. We hold a lot of stress in the body. So what are the main ways to relieve body stress?

Well, my personal favorite would be getting a hand, foot, or neck massage or all three! You can also self-massage with therapy balls or foam rollers. Another way is just getting active - practically any form of physical activity can relieve stress in the body. Go for a walk, a run, swim, whatever makes is the easiest for you. Another form of self-care with the body may be taking a bath with Epsom salt or using s stream room.

OK, so we have appeased the mind a little. What’s next for self-care?

You guessed it! Taking care of your mind, meaning: clearing anxiety, stress and negative thoughts. The solution? Meditation and Affirmation.I know you may be rolling your eyes and saying mediation doesn’t work for me or affirmations seem strange but these are science-backed practices known to reduce stress and reprogram your brain. Promotional drop here - I do offer affirmations for actors on my website but you can also just write your own. For those of you now familiar with affirmations - they are simply self-affirming sentences. For example, I am fun, I am funny, I a hot, I am giving. It’s best to repeat these daily and feel the feeling of what you’re saying. And as for meditation, I am a big fan of guided meditation which you can search for on YouTube and find. You can search for 5-minute meditation for stress or ten-minute meditation for confidence.

Start slow and I assure you after doing these practices you will already be in a better place. And guess what? That’s already some self-care you are doing aka self-love. LOOK AT YOU lovin yourself! ❤️

Next, we want to do something fun. Think of taking yourself on a date. Would you go to a museum? The movies? A hike? A play? Reading in the library? Leisurely reading some magazines at a coffee shop? What would be fun for you? No stress, remember this is self-care so whatever makes you happy. Finally, we want to do some journalling, a gratitude list or simply writing out what’s on your mind. This will unload your mind and give you some clarity.

Now I could go on and on about what else you could be doing but you’re smart and you know what self-care looks like for you. So check out the link below that gives you access to your self-care sheet. Print it off and fill it out! Pick a day or half a day that you can do your self-care. I personally I love a self-care Sunday that get’s you ready for the week.

I hope this helps and you are starting to see what kind of Acting coach, career counselor, actor, and person I am. I love to help actors and parents of children because I didn’t have that when I started out. My course on How to get into the tv and film industry for children and their parents and thrive. Is the ideal place to start because it will save you years of confusion and we will get to meet so I can advise you on what’s next after the course if you are struggling with any of the lessons I can help.

Self Care Sheet:

I hope this video reminds you to take care of yourself. 

As actors we handle a lot of stress and rejection but how do we combat that? With a healthy mind and body and how do we achieve that? 

With, you guessed it…Self Care AKA self Love!

Wishing you a great day, week and year!


P.S. In a couple of days I will finish up on the audition hack sheet but I would love - only if you’re interested!? To start this journey for your child and you NOW. The course does take time and we want to fast-track your child onto a tv and film set, so starting now will ensure that.

Cameron Moir